Cafe New Romance

  • 26. 11. 2014
  • 26/11/2014 - 29/11/2014
  • 19:00
  • NTK, Technická 6

Cafe New Romance je festival performančních robotů. Jeho třetí ročník probíhá v Praze od 26. do 28.listopadu 2014 v Galerii NTK a IIM

Výstava, projekce filmů, prezentace, přednášky, setkání, workshopy. Akce se koná v rámci mezinárodního týdne robotů.


STŘEDA 26.11. 2014


CNR 2014: 13 – 17h: Workshop: Fernando Orellana (SLV): Ready-Made Hack.


CNR 2014: 18:30 – 20:30h: Opening Robot Movies: Cafe New Romance 2014
– Short Movie: Alex Rivera (USA): A Robot Walks Into a Bar
– Movie: Alex Rivera (USA): Sleep Dealer

ČTVRTEK 27.11. 2014


CNR 2014: 9:30 – 12h: LEGO MINDSTORMS Day
– Opening Speech: 9:30-9:35h: Lars Kjellberg, Deputy Ambassador of the Danish Embassy in the Czech Republic: Opening Speech of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Day
– Prezentace: 9:35-10h: Filippa Malmegaard (SWE): LEGO MINDSTORMS & The Maker Movement
– Prezentace: 10-10:25h: Marc-Andre Bazergui (CAN): LEGO® MINDSTORMS®: How a movie poster changed his life, one brick at a time.
Přestávka: 10:25-10:35h
– Prezentace: 10:35-11h: Lee Magpili (USA): The Making of a Robot Performance
– Prezentace: 11-11:30h: Matthias Paul Scholz (GER) and Aswin Bouwmeester (NDL): LEGO MINDSTORMS and sound
– Panel: 11:30-12h: Filippa Malmegaard (SWE), Marc-Andre Bazergui (CAN), Lee Magpili (USA), Matthias Paul Scholz (GER), Aswin Bouwmeester (NDL).


CNR 2014: 13 – 16h: Robot & Performance (Vol. I)
– Prezentace: 13:05-13:30h: Opificio sonico (ITA): Toa Mata Band
– Short Movie: 13:30-1:40h: Beeple (USA): Instrumental video nine
– Prezentace: 13:40-13:55: Per Holmquist (SWE): Beat Blox
– Short Movie: 13.55-14h: Beeple (USA): Flying Lotus – Kill Your Co-Workers
Přestávka: 14-14:10h
– Prezentace: 14:10-14:40h: ::vtol:: (RUS): My robotics art works
– Short Movie: 14:40-14:45h: Beeple (USA): Transparent Machines
– Prezentace: 14:45-15:15h: Sara Dittrich (USA): Linking Everyday Rhythms to Artworks Through Robotics
– Panel: 15:15-15:45h: Opificio sonico (ITA), Per Holmquist (SWE), ::vtol:: (RUS), Sara Dittrich (USA)


Concert: 19:30 – 20:15h: Opificio sonico (ITA): Toa Mata Band

PÁTEK 28.11. 2014


CNR 2014: 9 – 11h: Golem & the Mechanical Man of the Future Day (Vol. I)
– Prezentace: 9:15-9:40h: Rupert Young (GBR): Perceptual Robots
– Prezentace: 9:40-10h: Martin Cermák (CZE) and Ludek Fedurca (CZE): Robot Artik
Přestávka: 10-10:10h
– Prezentace: 10:10-10:30h: Nigel Ackland (GBR): BeBionic3 hand
– Panel: 10:30-11:00h: Rupert Young (GBR), Martin Cermák (CZE) & Ludek Fedurca (CZE), Nigel Ackland (GBR)


CNR 2014: 13:30 – 16h: Robot & Performance (Vol. II)
– Sound Poetry Performance: 13:30-14:15h: Zuzana Husárová (SVK) & Olga Pek (CZE): Trans(who?)man
– Short Movie: 14:15-14:20h: Tarik Abdel-Gawad & Ashley Rodholm (USA): FRANCESCA DA RIMINI: Ballet Meets Robotics
– Prezentace: 14:20-14:45h: Lucy Burns (USA): iRobot: Human-Robot Sociality in Asian American Theater
Přestávka: 14:45-15h
– Lecture: 15-15:30h: Fernando Orellana (SLV): Paradiso
– Panel: 15:30-16:00h: Zuzana Husárová (SVK) & Olga Pek (CZE), Lucy Burns (USA), Fernando Orellana (SLV)



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