2014 – Pure Data Composition

  • 27.11. 2014 / 2:18

Pure Data Composition-Short music piece composed specifically for AR.Drone 2.0 Parrot Quadricopter. It consists of the sound synthesis generated by Drone’s movement in the space as well as the sound of engines. When the tracker detects the drone flying in defined area it generates data, which is then interpreted using a pre-defined algorithm in an open source visual programming language Pure Data. In this way the Drone shapes and structures musical material and becomes an instrument.

Drone is controlled via FreeFlight application running on iPad. Depth image from Kinect sensor is evaluated by a patch in vvvv which detects the drone’s location in the space (more precisely its relative position inside the bounding-box). A vvvv is sending it to Pure Data, which are transmitting it to a music system. When a quadcopter flies into the defined area it generates musical pattern sequences based upon a predefined algorithm. In this way the drone takes control over the sound synthesis.

Music composition: Mária Júdová

Tracking system: Andrej Boleslavský

Camera and editing: Mária Júdová

Sound: Petr Zábrodský

Thanks to: Institute Of Intermedia

Presented at DEAF (Dutch Electronic Art Festival), 2014

see more at mariajudova.net


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