Dancing performance about quantum physics !
- 07/11/2016
- IIM, Technická 2
“Elegancia Kvantového králíka” – Elegance of quantum rabbit is the result of several moths of experiments and research. The performance is dance-motion experiment with quantum theory and its perception of linear and non-linear essence of reality. Sub-atomic world is the world of ...
Robotic festival Café Neu Romance
- 25/10/2016 - 26/10/2016
- IIM, Technická 2
The Fifth edition of it, is planned to take place in IIM 25-26 October 2016. Tuesday October 25: Robots and the Society of the Future (9:30-11:30) How far are we with the current development of robots and AI? – And what kind of things can we expect in the future in these areas? What does it ...
(Čeština) Skončil Signal festival – spolupracovali jsme
- 13/10/2016 - 16/10/2016
- ,
(Čeština) Úderem nedělní půlnoci skončil v Praze čtvrtý ročník Signal festivalu, jejíž ulice rozzářilo 22 světelných instalací světových i domácích umělců. Do festivalu se poprvé zapojila také Akademie věd ČR, která se stala partnerskou organizací nevšední podívané
KONEC KONCŮ / Intermedia project of FAMU, DAMU, ČVUT students 2015/2016
- 15/06/2016
- IIM, Technická 2
FB: Presentation evening of student projects from FAMU, DAMU and ČVUT realized at the workshop of the Intermedia work and technology. (supervision Roman Berka (FEL ČVUT), Miloš Vojtěchovský (Centrum audiovizálních studií FAMU), Robert ...
(Čeština) FELFEST 2016 !
- 15/06/2016
- Vítězné náměstí, Praha 6, Vítězné náměstí
Institute of Intermedia will be part of FELFEST as usually. Students’ projects presentation in IIM, Banana Piano, light PET benches. Program with details will be here soon. We invite you to the next year of Festival of electrical faculty. We will introduce you the most interesting products ...
World premiere of Martha Mooke in IIM
- 29/04/2016
- IIM, Technická 2
“Dreaming in Sound,” is a performance and workshop by American composer and electroacoustic violist Martha Mooke. It´s part of creative workshop Feedback, 3D Sound and Performance. Developed in residency at Harvestworks in New York City, “Dreaming in Sound” is the latest of Mooke’s ...