Dancing performance about quantum physics !
- 07/11/2016
- 18:00
- IIM, Technická 2
“Elegancia Kvantového králíka” – Elegance of quantum rabbit is the result of several moths of experiments and research. The performance is dance-motion experiment with quantum theory and its perception of linear and non-linear essence of reality. Sub-atomic world is the world of rhythm, moving and continuously changing. It´s not chaotic, it´s leads by accurate rules.
Anka is pioneer in the field of contemporary dance and improvisation in Slovakia. Dano is one of the most successful independent dancers from Slovakia. Both of them have been studied at Mathematical-physical faculty of Komensky University in Bratislava.
They are focused on open moving forms included improvisation and speech. Other field of their interest is somatic movement. The movement come from inside and reflects physiological process in the body.
Andka and Dano are fascinated by nature and its parallels in movement. They have made a research about quantum physics and embryology.
The performance contents three parts:
Discussion with audience
Entrance free. In cooperation with Department of Physics FEL CVUT.
Workshop with authors is on Sunday 6.11. in Studio Alta
Choreography: Anna Sedlačková, Daniel Raček
Music: Peter Groll
Costumes: Dorota Cigánková
leight design: Katarína Ďuricová
project supported by : Fond na podporu umenia, Ministerstvo kultúry SR, Ars Bratislavensis, Nový Priestor, Štúdio 12, Babyfit, o.z.
Premiere in October 2015.
The performance is 50 minutes plus discussion.