

Our Core Team

Roman Berka

Roman Berka

Director, e-mail:

Head of the IIM and also lecturer at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction. He founded the IIM in 2007 together with Miloš Vojtěchovský and architect Pavel Bednář. Roman earned his doctor’s degree at the Department of Computer Science of CTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He writes projects for the IIM and teaches Multimedia and Computer Animation Technologies at the Czech Technical University. He created several courses in computer graphics and animation. Researcher in the field of optimization calculations in virtual reality applications. His focus is now on teaching, research in motion tracking and virtual reality and directing of the IIM.

Dagmar Kantorková

Dagmar Kantorková

Production, e-mail:

Production manager of the Institute of intermedia since 2018, ensuring smooth operation. You can contact her regarding space and equipment booking, personal consultations and meetings with other members of the Institute; she will take care of your events. She led a service organization Nová síť between the years 2006 and 2019, which is why many events to which she contributed with both ideas and her production expertise are under its banner. She is the founder and supervisor of the ART GATE education program ( which systematically maps and educates the production and technical sector in the field of live culture. She was one of the nine professional members of the grant commission at the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic for the field of dance and nonverbal art in the years 2012 through 2018. Enjoys crisis managements and budget tables.

Ondřej Slabý

Ondřej Slabý

IT administrator, e-mail:

Programmer and IT administrator, responsible for system management and application development at IIM. He received his master’s degree in software engineering from FIT CTU in Prague. He contributed to the Dowry Towns of Bohemian Queens project and worked on virtual reality applications for Laterna Magika. Apart from virtual reality, he is also interested in augmented reality, especially in the possible ways of interacting with virtual objects.

David Vrbík

David Vrbík

AV specialist, e-mail:

Audiovisual artist. Creates scenic musical compositions for dance and nonverbal theater, programs stage technologies and specializes in laser projections and audio visualizations.
He is a founding member of the TOW dance group awarded for innovative approach in the field of modern dance, especially for original use of laser projection technologies. Founded the multigenre project SPAM together with Vladimir 518 which focuses on development of audiovisual language options in the communication of unsolicited information. Since 2019, he focuses on his own project V E K T R O S K O P in which he approaches artists from both the local and international digital art scenes.

Other Essential Souls of the IIM

Adam Sporka


Adam is a music composer and a sound designer, combining his background in computer science and music training, thereby enabling him to work on a number of sublime projects as a technologist as well as an artist. He is interested in various music genres, from 8bit (Atari 800XL) music to orchestral music. Adam is also an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. He contributes to various art projects in academia as well as in the video game industry.

Miloš Vojtěchovský

Miloš is an art historian. He was also there when the IIM was founded. He teaches students of the Film and TV school at Academy of Performing Arts as well as lecturing on the Applied Intermedia Technology course. Milos brings to the IIM various artists from around the world and organises sound and visual performances and workshops. Milos publishes articles in various journals and newspapers. His main interests include locative media and community intermedia activities. He has initiated and carried out a number of multimedia projects.

Robert Smolík

Robert is a stage and occasional light designer. He teaches in the department of Alternative and Puppet theatre of the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts. Robert brings light to the IIM. Robert studied at the Department of Stage Design at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and since 2004 he has been a lecturer there. As a stage designer he has collaborated with many professional puppet theatres and independent artists and has also created a lot of his own art projects. Recently, his mind has been on the collaboration with an independent theatre company Cakes and Puppets and on the art research of the HandaGote Research and Development theatre group.

Michal Rataj


Music composer, producer, university lecturer at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and NYU Prague. He graduated in musicology and composition under prof. Ivan Kurz and Milan Slavický and also studied in the UK, Germany and in the USA. He composes electroacoustic and instrumental music. He performs with his “sound concerts” in Europe and in the USA and he also leads a number of international workshops and masterclasses.

Since 2004, he has composed film music for twenty feature films and documentaries and TV series. He worked as a music director and producer in Czech Radio and he composed dozens of radio drama productions. Since 2003, he has been producing radio show Radioateliér.

Josef Šafařík

He earned his PhD in glass architecture and new technologies in art from Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. He focuses on sculpture, new media and medal sculpture. He had a wide range of individual and collective exhibitions, he participated in several sculpture symposiums. Since 2009 he has been a lecturer in Karel atelier and in Fine Arts Atelier at the Department of Industrial Design, Faculity of Architecture, CTU in Prague with prof. ak. soch. Marian Karel. At the opening ceremony of the building FA CTU in 2011, he realized the Tetris project and Laser CUBE. His special video projection of the sun was presented at Prague Light Festival SIGNAL. His work is represented in museum and private collections in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Vladimír Soukenka

Architect, head of the Department of Interior and Exhibiting at Faculty of Architecture, CTU in Prague since 1991. He graduated in architecture from Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague under prof. Josef Svoboda. He worked as a stage designer in the Municipal Theatre in Zlín and the National Theatre in Prague. He was the Head of Artistic-Technical Operations in Laterna Magika. He also worked as a studio architect of Czech Television. In 2007 he earned degree of associate professor in architecture.

2015 © IIM