TZ Beyond the Gaming Principle 2022 – User at Work

  • 11.02. 2022 / 2:54

The introductory lecture will be presented by Alfie Bown, a British game theorist known for his book Playstation Dreamworld. Two conference panels will follow keynote lecture. First panel is dedicated to the intertwining of gaming and work (guests: Filip Hauer, Václav Janoščík, Vít Bohal, Dustin Breitling, John Hill, Dita Malečková). The second panel will open the theme of the game and space, whether physical, gallery or virtual (Viktor Takáč, Lucia Mendelová, Tina Sauerlander, Ondřej Buddeus, Jesper Alvaer, Lukáš Likavčan,Ondřej Trhoň, Tereza Krobová, Kateřina Kovandová). 


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